Where are Matt Maupin and Scott Speicher?

On April 9th, 2004, Army Sgt. Keith "Matt" Maupin was taken prisoner by gunmen in a suburb of Baghdad, Iraq, after they ambushed his fuel truck. Maupin, from Batavia, Ohio, is still listed as "missing and captured," even though terrorists later released a videotape of what appeared to be Maupin's execution. However, since his body has never been recovered, the U.S. Army and Maupin's family continue to search. Maupin is the only servicemember unaccounted for in the Iraq War, part II.
On January 17, 1991, Lt.Cmdr. Michael "Scott" Speicher, U.S. Navy, was shot down on the first day of Operation Desert Storm. He was listed as KIA/BNR-Killed In Action/Body Not Recovered-until, nearly two years later, it was learned that he had successfully ejected from his plane and had probably been taken captive. There is evidence to indicate that Speicher was still alive and captive in Iraq as recently as 2003. He is now listed as Missing/Captured and his family also continues to search. Friends Working to Free Scott Speicher
Every American owes these men, and every veteran, a debt that can never be repaid. Leave no man behind!
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